Larry Stillwell
1990: M.A., Anthropology, Ball State University
1985: B.A., Anthropology, University of Maryland
Masters Thesis:
The Richardville/LaFontaine House and the Troyer Site: A Material Culture Comparison. Field and Laboratory.
1988-1993: Staff Archaeologist with the Ball State University Archaeological Resources Management Service.
1993-1995: Assistant Director with the Indiana-Purdue University at Ft. Wayne Northeast Archaeological Survey.
1995-present: Owner/Principal Investigator with Archaeological Consultants of Ossian.
Society of Professional Archaeologists.
Council for the Conservation of Indiana Archaeology.
Notable Papers and Technical Reports:
1989 - Test Excavations at the Indian House, Forks of the Wabash, Huntington, Indiana.� Indiana Academy of Science.
1995 - Recovery of a Prehistoric Horse under Harrison Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Imprint Magazine.
1995 - Artifact Analysis of the Richardville House in Fort Wayne, Indiana? IPFW Reports of Investigations.
Grants, Contracts, and Miscellaneous Projects:
1993 - Site Supervisor for the Burning Tree Mastodon Site, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Northeast Archaeological Survey.
1993 - Site Supervisor at the LaSalle County Nursing Home Site-Middle Woodland to Upper Mississippian Habitation Site. Northeast Archaeological Survey.
1995 - A 2000 Acre Systematic Survey of the St. Mary's River Valley in Adams and Allen Counties, Indiana. Indiana Historic Preservation Agency.
1995-2006 - Over 1,000 cultural resource management projects on file in the states of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and Kentucky.